John B. Miller was also known as Jean Baptiste Miller/Muller. He was the son of Private Max Miller, Co. K, 37th Infantry Regiment of Ohio, and 120th Co., 2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps.
John B. Miller was born on the 11th of June 1843 at Illhaeusern, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France. He was the oldest child of six. Celestine Muller, Rosine Miller, Charlotte Miller and George Henry Miller were his siblings.
Private John B. Miller served in the Cos. H & I, 46th Infantry Regiment of Ohio. He was a member of the G. A.R. Post (685) --- Osgood – Darke, Ohio.
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Notice: The information in the biography above has been researched and provided by the author and has not been verified by the SUVCW or the ASUVCW.