Francis F. Thompson, post chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic, Custer Post, shares a moment of prayer over the Oakwood Cemetery gravesite of an Army veteran with Custer Post patriotic instructor Charles "C.A." Cavender and Cavender's great-grandson, Tilford Gribble to commemorate Memorial Day, 1926. The young Tilford Gribble is solemnly placing an arrangement of roses at one of the headstones while Chaplain Thompson doffs his hat.  The men felt it important that the younger generations remember the sacrifices that were made in the name of freedom.  (Courtesy Tacoma Public Library)

Custer Post No. 6 was based in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.  The map at the bottom of the page shows the exact location.

The namesake for this Post was Major General George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876), who was killed in action at Little Bighorn, Montana, on 25 June 1876.

The Post was organized 24 May 1879 and chartered 2 June 1881, with eleven charter members.  The Post was associated with Custer Corps No. 2, Woman's Relief Corps (WRC).

The following Post history is from the Roster of Custer Post No. 6, Department of Washington and Alaska, Grand Army of the Republic, 1907:

Custer Post No. 6, Department of Washington and Alaska, Grand Army of the Republic

Custer Post No. 6 was organized May 24, 1879, by Major F. W. Sparling, Provisional Commander.  Its charter was granted June 2nd, 1881.  There were eleven charter members.  Five are still alive – Robert Miller, William H. Rock, Phineas Foster and William Peel who are still members, and Anthony P. Carr who lives at Spanaway.  Winslow A. Ramsdell, Augustus E. Alden, Job Carr, Howard Carr, Daniel Bentley and Henry A. Bigelow are dead.

It has had three Department Commanders, and 26 Post Commanders.  Only one died in office, and 20 are still living.  It has 14 members who have been Post Commanders, and two who have been Department Commanders in other Departments.  Every rank from Private to Major General has been members.  It is the largest Post in the Department, having 285 members in good standing.  Every state in the Union, except Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and South Carolina, is represented in its membership.  Southern, foreign and Northern copperhead papers during the war branded the soldiers of the Union Army as largely composed of foreign mercenaries who enlisted for the large bounties.  The following nativity shows the facts.  Of the 752 men who have been members, their birthplaces were as follows:

United States

The 752 members served 582 different organizations and participated in nearly every battle of the war.  More than 100 were in rebel prisons and over 200 were wounded.  This record, we think, cannot be duplicated by any Post.  The Post has two blocks in Oakwood Cemetery, where it has buried 73 soldiers not members.  It has a block where its past members are buried, and 13 members and two wives are buried there.  It has a block for soldiers’ widows and has buried five.  Every grave is marked with a marble stone.  In the past 27 years it has distributed to indigent soldiers, their wives and children nearly $100,000.  One hundred and sixteen of the members have died.  In Tacoma, the oldest member is Robert Miller, 87 years; the youngest Allen A. Bartow, who enlisted at 15 years of age, and is 58.  Every profession – lawyers, ministers and doctors – every trade – every class of mercantile life – is represented.  We can build a complete ship, steamboat or locomotive.  Only one of its members has been convicted of crime.  Members hold office under the United States, State, County and City, and not one has ever been removed for neglect of duty or cause.  Can a better record be shown by any other organizations of equal numbers?

Charter Members



Last names A - G


William J. AbernethyCo. D21st Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Armstrong Adams
Co. H & F&S
3rd Kentucky Infantry
SUVCW Burial Record
Henry L. AchillesCo. K27th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Carl A. G. AdaeCos. E & K & F&S4th Ohio CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry N. AkinCo. G2nd Minnesota Cavalry 
Florence I. AldenCo. I6th Minnesota Infantry & 

Co. F1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery 
Henry L. AldenCo. D8th Iowa Infantry 
William AlexanderCo. A46th Iowa Infantry (100 days) 
Charles AllisonCo. H91st Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John A. AmesCo. C139th Illinois Infantry (100 days) 
Charles H. Anderson
U.S. NavySUVCW Burial Record

USS Princeton, 

USS Susquehanna, 

USS North Carolina, 

USS Virginia & 

USS Octorara 
Henry AndersonCo. G1st Minnesota Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
George W. AndrewsCo. H8th Massachusetts Infantry (9 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

U.S. Navy 

USS Ohio, 

USS Quaker City & 

USS Princeton 
William B. AndrewsCo. I1st Michigan SharpshootersSUVCW Burial Record
Sylvenus ApplegateCo. E64th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Thomas ArmstrongCo. G10th New York Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
John Atkinson, Jr.Co. F35th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William L. C. AtkinsonCo. H12th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John AuldCo. A13th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles BagbyCo. B28th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

unassigned65th Illinois Infantry (Scotch Regiment) 
Henry S. Bailey
(service not confirmed) 
Otis B. BaileyCo. C4th Minnesota Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D11th Minnesota Infantry 
Robert S. BairdCo. E18th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles A. Ballard
Co. E
5th Michigan Cavalry &
SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K
127th U.S. Colored Infantry

Andrew J. BakerCo. E17th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Daniel S. BakerCo. K20th Maine Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

U.S. Navy 

USS North Carolina, 

USS Clover, 

USS New Hampshire & 

USS Princeton 
David Baker
(service not confirmed) 
Jesse E. BakerCapt. Barker's Co.McClellan Dragoons, Illinois Cavalry, 

Co. BMcClellan Dragoons, Illinois Cavalry & 

Co. I12th Illinois Cavalry 
Marquis F. BakerCo. K96th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Chester BaldwinCo. K46th Iowa Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
Irvin R. BallCo. M15th Kansas CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Achilles W. BallardCo. B & F&S40th Iowa Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B113th U.S. Colored Infantry (Old Organization) & 

Co. D113th U.S. Colored Infantry (New Organization) 
Daniel BanfordCo. L1st Ohio Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
A. Bardstone
15th Wisconsin Infantry (service not confirmed) 
Byron BarlowCo. K1st Oregon InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James BarlowCo. E45th New York Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1883Co. E58th New York Infantry & 

U.S. Marine Corps
George E. BarnesCo. E58th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James Barnes
1st Iowa Infantry (service not confirmed) 
Allen B. BarneyCo. F26th Iowa Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

13th Co.2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Alfred BarrettCo. K10th Michigan CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles E. BartholomewCo. E1st Connecticut CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Clarence M. Barton
U.S. Marine CorpsSUVCW Burial Record

USS Colorado 
Allen A. BartowCo. F145th Ohio Infantry (National Guard)SUVCW Burial Record
Frank W. BashfordCo. F3rd Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I33rd Wisconsin Infantry 
Frederick A. BatesCo. I7th Kansas CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Franz BaumanCo. G17th Missouri Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

62nd Co.2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Robert W. BeallCo. F79th Illinois Infantry 
Lorenzo D. BearyBty. I3rd New York Light Artillery &SUVCW Burial Record

34th Independent New York Light Artillery 
John BeemanCo. C72nd Illinois Infantry 
Andrew L. BellCo. F13th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Ceylon L. BenjaminCo. D14th U.S. Infantry 
John P. Bennett
Co. B20th Wisconsin Infantry
SUVCW Burial Record
Henry BergCo. G11th Pennsylvania Cavalry (108th Volunteers) 
Joseph Berryunassigned2nd Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joel BeverCo. G113th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Andrew J. BickfordCo. D19th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William B. BidwellCo. K1st Wisconsin Cavalry & 

Co. K39th Wisconsin Infantry (100 Days) 
John R. BinningsCo. A83rd New York Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K97th New York Infantry 
Charles V. BissellCo. A60th New York Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. A14th New York Heavy Artillery  
Henry S. BixlerCo. C16th Pennsylvania Cavalry (161st Volunteers)SUVCW Burial Record
Peter BlackCo. H125th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William B. BlackwellF&S26th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Calvin H. BlanchardCo. D111th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Matthew BlissCo. D7th Massachusetts InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James M. BloomCo. D7th Illinois CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
George H. BoardmanCo. F22nd Maine Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1907Co. GMaine Coast Guard Infantry 
Department Commander - 1908-09  
Ezekiel W. BoggsCo. G2nd California CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Leonard G. BoodyCos. C, D & B10th Maine Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D29th Maine Infantry 
Franklin BoothCo. I75th Indiana Infantry & 

Co. I42nd Indiana Infantry 
James F. BoothCo. A3rd Michigan Infantry (2nd organization)SUVCW Burial Record
Bernard BorgesonCo. K28th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
David S. BortleCo. C49th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William H. BosticCo. H17th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry C. BostwickF&S9th Kansas CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
John BottomsCo. C21st Iowa Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D15th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Lewis L. BowersCo. D30th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William BoyesCo. B33rd Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B11th Wisconsin Infantry 
Charles H. BoyntonCo. M11th New York Cavalry 
Charles T. BrackettCo. E71st Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Benjamin N. Bradfield1st Independent Wisconsin Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
James BradleyCos. L, H & G2nd California CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
George W. BriggsCo. K3rd Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Jesse BrightCo. K14th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William W. BrightmanCo. A83rd Pennsylvania Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. G121st Pennsylvania Infantry 
John BrinkCo. D37th Illinois Infantry 
Charles W. BrooksCo. H6th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles Oliver BrownCo. C3rd Ohio CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
John C. BrownCo. D84th New York Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Cos. I & H5th New York Veteran Infantry 
Roscoe G. BrownCo. H2nd Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1927  
Thomas R. BrownCo. K37th Illinois Infantry 
William H. BrownCo. E27th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
August BrulotCo. L1st Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Lawrence M. BulhandCo. H111th New York Infantry 
C. E. BullandCo. H16th Wisconsin Infantry (service not confirmed) 
George W. BunnCo. C3rd Missouri State Militia Cavalry (2nd Organization)SUVCW Burial Record
Henry P. BurdickCo. E1st Minnesota Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1909  
Department Commander - 1928-29  
Robert BuresCo. G77th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph A. BurlingameCo. K2nd Maine Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. L1st Maine Heavy Artillery 
Charles G. BurnettCo. L9th Rhode Island Infantry & 

Co. D12th Rhode Island Infantry 
George H. Burns
(service not confirmed) 
James C. BurnsCo. D7th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Thomas F. BurtCo. H1st Connecticut Infantry (service not confirmed) 
Benjamin Bussey, Jr.F&S19th Maine Infantry 
Lorenzo G. Butler
U.S. Navy 

USS North Carolina & 

USS Niagara 
Wesley G. ButterfieldCo. H16th Wisconsin Infantry 
William H. CalkinsCo. H14th Iowa Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

F&S128th Indiana Infantry & 

F&S12th Indiana Cavalry 
Elisha S. CallendarCo. H66th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Alvin CalmesCo. A21st Illinois Infantry 
James CammackCo. D48th Iowa Infantry (100 days) & 

Co. E8th Iowa Cavalry 
Charles Campbell
U.S. NavySUVCW Burial Record

USS Cumberland, 

USS St. Lawrence, 

USS Ohio, 

USS Genesee & 

USS Princeton 
James CampbellCo. K40th Wisconsin Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
James F. Campbell14th Bty.Indiana Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
James P. CampbellCo. D79th Illinois Infantry 
John W. CardiffCo. B11th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Patrick CarneyCo. H1st Vermont Heavy Artillery 
Jesse N. CarpenterCo. A11th Michigan Infantry (1st organization)SUVCW Burial Record
Thomas T. CarrollCo. A8th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1886  
William CarrollCo. H29th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry C. CarterCo. E3rd Maine InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
W. E. CarterCo. E3rd Maine (service not confirmed) 
J. T. Carver
U.S. Navy (service not confirmed) 
Frank W. CastleCo. G44th Iowa Infantry (100 days) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I2nd Iowa Cavalry 
Josephus D. CaughranCo. H & F&S11th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles A. CavenderCo. I6th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1913  
Lewis W. CenterCos. F & B193rd New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Harrison D. ChamberlainCo. D47th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John G. ChambersCo. G & F&S8th Illinois CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Albert ChandlerCo. C7th Kansas Cavalry 
William V. ChaseCo. D33rd Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
H. H. CheathamCo. B3rd U.S. Light Artillery (service not confirmed) 
Omar K. CheneyCo. M2nd Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
William S. ChenowethCo. A150th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Abraham M. ChesneyCo. B89th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1905Co. B59th Illinois Infantry 
William C. ChesneyCo. K55th Illinois Infantry 
Charles A. ChessmanCo. F17th Iowa Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B47th Iowa Infantry (100 days) 
Isaac ChilbergCo. L17th Illinois CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Eli E. ChurchCo. I1st Indiana Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Byron T. ClarkCo. F44th Iowa Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
Eugene ClarkCos. I & A23rd Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George W. ClarkCo. F10th Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months),SUVCW Burial Record

Co. L3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry & 

Co. D16th Pennsylvania Cavalry (161st Volunteers) 
Sidney ClarkCo. A92nd New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Thomas R. Clary
(service not confirmed) 
Frank ClendeninCo. A2nd Illinois Cavalry,SUVCW Burial Record

Co. C & F&S8th Illinois Cavalry & 

Co. B & F&S147th Illinois Infantry (1 year) 
Samuel K. CliffordCo. B3rd Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Thaddeus ClinchCo. GMaine Coast Guard InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Greenberry CoffmanCo. M15th Missouri CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
James H. CoffmanCo. I27th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Department Commander - 1921-22  
Francis CokerCo. C2nd California InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Fred J. ColbyCo. F2nd Minnesota CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1921

James CollinsCo. G44th Missouri InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Andrew M. ColtonCo. G44th Missouri InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Marcus D. L. ComptonCo. G48th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William A. ConeCo. B53rd Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John D. CongerCo. C15th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Cos. A & H12th Illinois Cavalry 
James L. ConnCo. G137th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John N. ConnaCo. I66th U.S. Colored Infantry (service not conformed) 
J. P. Conner
(service not confirmed) 
Charles M. CookCo. A1st Vermont Infantry & 

Cos. B & E1st Vermont Cavalry 
Charles H. CottleCo. B18th Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D6th U.S. Veteran Volunteer Infantry 
Frederick S. CottleCo. E39th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Olive CounterCo. C131st New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George W. CowanCos. C & B50th New York EngineersSUVCW Burial Record
Aaron H. H. CowgarCo. C39th Iowa Infantry 
Henry V. Creamer
16th Independent Ohio Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Homer CrockerCo. G38th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1920  
John M. CromanCo. K14th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Stephen M. CrossmanCo. I18th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Frederick A. CummingsCo. B2nd Massachusetts Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

9th Independent Massachusetts Light Artillery 
J. H. CummingsCo. D13th New York Infantry (service not confirmed) 
Nathan CunninghamCo. D130th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William CunningtonCo. M11th New York CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
George W. CurfmanCo. F3rd Iowa Cavalry 
Edmund N. Curl
Brigade Band (3rd Brigade, 2nd/4th Divisions, 15th-17th Army Corps), U.S. VolunteersSUVCW Burial Record
Hiram T. CurlCo. A10th Iowa Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B5th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Albert I. CutlerCo. M16th Illinois Cavalry 
Clarence A. DanforthCo. A19th Wisconsin Infantry 
Leander W. DanielsCo. D60th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James DavidsonCo. A31st Wisconsin Infantry 
Alonzo H. DavisF&S36th Illinois Infantry & 

Co. A132nd Illinois Infantry (100 days) 
George F. DavisCo. A12th New Hampshire InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William E. DawsonCo. G7th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John H. DealCo. D114th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John S. DeardorffCo. E12th Indiana Infantry (1 year) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B44th Indiana Infantry 
Dennis DeFordCo. G179th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John Q. A. DeHuffCo. B3rd Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Loring G. DelanoCo. A5th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Richard W. Derickson15th U.S. InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
J. Diball
(service not confirmed) 
Peter DieckmanCo. E4th New York Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
George A. DillsCo. A10th Illinois Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K134th Illinois Infantry (100 days) 
William DoblerCo. E10th Illinois CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Maurice M. DodgeCo. D40th Wisconsin Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
Patrick H. DolanCo. G2nd Louisiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
David S. DoneyCo. B8th Illinois Cavalry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D3rd Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
William H. Doolittle
9th Independent Wisconsin Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Eli E. DoppsCo. E149th Illinois Infantry (1 year)SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1914  
David DowdenCo. B12th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1902  
Francis E. DrakeCo. F4th Minnesota Infantry 
Bartholdt J. DreesenCo. H40th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William DreusickeCos. F & C & F&S9th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Jonathan M. Driskell
Co. E12th Illinois Infantry (3 months)
SUVCW Burial Record
John C. DrydenCo. K91st Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Cornelius DuffyCo. I13th New York Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
James H. DuncanCo. H7th Maryland Infantry 
George T. DunnCo. B21st Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry W. Dunning
6th Independent Wisconsin Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Albert S. DurkeeCo. A125th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George DyeCo. E1st Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James S. DyerCo. L14th New York Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Daniel EatonCo. I13th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Rice H. Eaton
6th Co.1st New York Sharpshooters

Charles H. EbertCo. I70th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles S. EichholtzCo. D92nd Illinois Infantry 
Ferdinand A. ElderCo. E7th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Samuel B. Elder
3rd Independent Minnesota Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Abraham ElliottCo. A10th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Isaiah EllwoodCo. H15th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Horton S. EmersonCo. E156th Illinois Infantry 
Francis C. Emmerton
Co. D39th Missouri Infantry
SUVCW Burial Record
Caleb EvansCo. H129th Illinois Infantry 
Daniel W. EvansCos. B & K42nd Ohio Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. E96th Ohio Infantry 
John J. EvansCo. K1st Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
W. T. Falls
(service not confirmed) 
William FanninCo. H33rd Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Alexander S. FarquharsonCo. A43rd Massachusetts Infantry (Militia) &SUVCW Burial Record

Signal Corps, U.S. Volunteers 
Frederick W. FarrCo. K2nd Minnesota CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Frank A. FassettCo. E20th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Angelo V. FawcettCo. E7th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Jacob FelixCo. I15th Illinois Infantry & 

U.S. Navy 

USS Benton 
Thomas Ferdon
U.S. Navy 

USS Clara Dolsen, 

USS Fairy, 

Fleet Surgeon Pinkney & 

USS Silver Cloud 
James W. FergusonCo. I14th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James M FerrisCo. E3rd Michigan Infantry (1st organization) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. E5th Michigan Infantry 
Hosea FinchCo. H174th Ohio Infantry 
John FisherCo. G18th New York Infantry 
Robert Y. FlinnCo, C16th Indiana Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I11th Indiana Cavalry 
John Flood
U.S. Navy 

USS Sabine, 

USS North Carolina, 

USS Clara Dolsen, 

USS Black Hawk, 

USS Tempest & 

USS Benton 
William F. FlurerCo. E37th Illinois Infantry & 

Co. A2nd U.S. Veteran Volunteer Infantry 
David FoleyCo. C10th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William J. ForbesCo. K86th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George W. ForneyCo. I8th Indiana Infantry 
Thomas ForrestCos. B & C134th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Ed. H. FosterCo. C1st Maine Infantry (service not confirmed) 
John S. M. FosterCo. M15th New York Heavy Artillery &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. G176th New York Infantry 
Thomas F. FoutsCo. H1st Iowa Cavalry & 

Co. L8th Iowa Cavalry 
Charles W. FoxCo. I111th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
 James N. FoyeCo. A46th Iowa Infantry (100 days) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D5th Iowa Cavalry 
David Franklin
U.S. NavySUVCW Burial Record

USS North Carolina & 

USS Dawn 
Richard J. FrayneCo. F22nd Kentucky Infantry & 

Cos. A, C & I17th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
George W. FreeburgerCo. F16th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

U.S. Navy 

USS Benton 
Adam FreudensteinCo. K6th Missouri InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Josiah W. FriesCo. H11th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1901  
John A. FrittsCos. E & F1st Colorado Territory CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Christian FuhrbergCos. H & D9th Wisconsin Infantry 
Henry B. FullerCo. C140th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1918  
Charles FunkCo. B49th New York Infantry 
Marcel GagnonCo. AHatch's Independent Minnesota CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
B. F. GallagherCo. L2nd Rhode Island Cavalry (service not confirned) 
David M. GanoCo. A8th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Nathan L. GanoCo. G121st New York Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. H25th U.S. Colored Infantry 
William L. GardnerCo. K30th Wisconsin Infantry 
Benjamin W. GarloughCo. F8th Ohio CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Samuel GarrardCo. G100th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Hiram F. Garretson (alias Frank H. Garretson)Co. A136th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
David GarrettCo. E134th Illinois Infantry (100 days) 
Levi S. GeerCo. I7th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William George
Chicago Board of Trade Battery, Illinois Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Darling H. GetchellCo. A2nd Maine CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Carmi S. GiffordCo. L1st Wisconsin Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1903  
Lewis GilbertCo. H16th Maine Infantry & 

Co. H20th Maine Infantry 
Thomas W. GilesCo. I13th Ohio Infantry (3 months),SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I13th Ohio Infantry & 

Co. L4th U.S. Cavalry 
Andrew GolayCo. G11th Missouri CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
John GolayCo. D14th Missouri Cavalry 
Edwin J. Golden
17th Wisconsin Infantry (service not confirmed) 
Joseph GoodmanCo. I45th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Darwin K. GordonCo. E1st Minnesota Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph A. GordonCo. E143rd Illinois Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
William E. Gove
Co. G14th Vermont Infantry

Charles E. GrableCo. D129th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George H. GrangerCo. H1st Michigan Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. A28th Michigan Infantry 
James F. Greenuassigned144th New York Infntry & 

Co. I127th New York Infantry 
William H. GreenCo. D19th Indiana Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I20th Indiana Infantry 
Winfield GreenCo. E89th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 191034th Co.2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Joseph D. GreerCo. A2nd Kansas Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Cos. E & M11th Kansas Cavalry 
William W. Gregory (alias Wallace Gregory)Co. G17th Iowa Infantry 
Patrick GribbinCo. G1st Minnesota Heavy ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
John H. GriffinCo. F11th Illinois Infantry (3 months)SUVCW Burial Record
G. S. GriffithCo. I3rd Iowa Cavalry (service not confirmed) 
Edward GrowCo. A30th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Stephen G. GrubbBty. C1st Illinois Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Christian M. GrumblingCo. I135th Pennsylvania Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

U.S. Navy 

USS Great Western, 

USS Rattler, 

USS Tyler, 

USS General Bragg & 

USS Siren 
Daniel E. GuileyCo. D & F&S29th Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Stephen E. GuthrieCo. C68th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. A143rd Illinois Infantry (100 days) 
Philip B. GwinnupCo. I148th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William GwinnupCo. G70th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record

Last names H - K


Edward W. HackerCo. B1st New York CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
William Foster HalfpennyCo. A131st Pennsylvania Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

Co. G41st Pennsylvania Militia Infantry & 

Co. F195th Pennsylvania Infantry (100 days) 
Albert E. HallCo. A1st Rifle Battalion, Missouri Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

Co. E11th Enrolled Missouri Militia, 

F&S9th Missouri Cavalry & 

F&S10th Missouri Cavalry 
Henry HammonCo. D1st Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
George HanlinCo. A3rd Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
William HannaCo. K119th Pennsylvania Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. E82nd Pennsylvania Infantry 
William Hannon
U.S. Navy 

USS Rhode Island 
Peter HansenCo. G5th Iowa Cavalry, 

Co. ABrackett’s Minnesota Cavalry & 

Co. E4th Michigan Cavalry 
Gideon H. HardCos. B & E1st Colorado Territory CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Seth H. HarrisCo. G1st Missouri State Militia CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
John S. HarrisonCo. A8th Ohio Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Cos. K & F65th New York Infantry 
Loring F. S. HartCo. E29th Maine InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph E. HartshornCo. B9th New Hampshire InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Forbes P. Haskell
U.S. Navy 

USS Ohio & 

USS Kingfisher 
George H. HaskinCo. E63rd Ohio Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

F&S & Co. C55th U.S. Colored Infantry 
William T. HastingsCo. G35th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry HatchCo. F111th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Ephraim W. HawthorneCo. I15th Illinois Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

U.S. Navy & 

USS Cincinnati  

Co. F & F&S39th Illinois Infantry 
Weston HaycockCo. F22nd Maine Infantry 
Obadiah B. HaydenCo. D9th Indiana CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
George HazzardCo. C36th Indiana Infantry 
Anthony HealeyCos. G & B58th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph D. HedrickCo. I1st Oregon InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James H. HelmerCo. C41st Wisconsin Infantry (100 days) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B52nd Wisconsin Infantry 
Robert S. HendersonCo. K1st Wisconsin CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
William W. HendersonCo. B136th Indiana Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
John E. HendrickCo. I1st Wisconsin CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Albert HerrimanCo. D41st Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Randolph HesseyCo. G7th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Johnson C. HewittCo. D41st Ohio Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K5th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
Samuel Hice, Jr.Co. B & F&S15th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Daniel HickerCo. K38th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Alfred B. HicksCo. E23th New York Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B22nd New York Cavalry 
Benjamin C. HicksCo. E1st Maine CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Eben L. HigginsCo. C4th Maine InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Thomas HigginsCo. D1st District of Columbia InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles W. HillCo. C4th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry H. HillsCo. B1st Colorado Territory CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph HinsonCo. G1st Ohio Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D & F&S33rd Ohio Infantry 
William HipkinsCo. A43rd Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles W. HobartCo. C & F&S22nd Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Samuel HoffmanCo. H67th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles H. HoganCo. I, F&S & Co. F96th New York Infantry 
Romeo G. Hoge
Signal Corps, U.S. VolunteersSUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1912  
James B. HoitCo. B & F&S3rd Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Benjamin H. HolgateCo. F141st Illinois Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
John HolgateCo. B2nd Louisiana Cavalry & 
Post Commander - 1908Co. B1st Louisiana Cavalry 
Columbus Hollins
1st Independent Minnesota Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Daniel J. Holman
U.S. NavySUVCW Burial Record

USS Ohio & 

USS Sacramento 
C. Hiram HolmesCo. E3rd Vermont Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1894Co, H1st U.S. Colored Infantry 
Joseph D. HoltCo. A28th Kentucky InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles M. HopkinsCo. F18th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Martin C. HopkinsCo. E14th New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George HornBand13th U.S. InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Edgar P. HoughtonCo. I14th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph H. HoughtonCo. K & F&S51st U.S. Colored Infantry 
Benjamin F. HowardCo. C10th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Jasper HoweBtys. A, E & M3rd New York Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
James L. HowieCo. K141st Pennsylvania Infantry SUVCW Burial Record
Lyman N. HudsonCo. I3rd Vermont Infantry 
Asa Hughes
Union Light Guard, Ohio CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Young S. HughsCo. D16th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Harmon D. HuntCo. I, F&S & Co. G7th Kansas CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph HuntBand11th Indiana Infantry 
Miles B. HuntCo. G2nd Michigan CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
John HuntamerCo. A1st Wisconsin CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph HurdCo. C13th U.S. InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Llewellyn HurleyCo. I9th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James M. HustonCo. F20th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Richard HustonCo. D122nd Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Thaddeus HustonCo. C137th Illinois Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
William W. HutchasonCo. F1st Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Abel HydeCo. H14th Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B35th Wisconsin Infantry 
George HydeCo. C22nd Michigan InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William H. Ingham
U.S. NavySUVCW Burial Record

USS Sabine & 

USS St. Lawrence 
Samuel V. IsenbergCo. C125th Pennsylvania Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Bty. D1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery (14th Reserves) 
Isaac O. JacksCo. F10th Iowa Infantry 
Albert H. JacksonCo. H9th Indiana Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Cos. A & C7th Indiana Cavalry 
James JacksonCo. G4th Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
John George JakleCo. G4th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George H. James
13th Independent Wisconsin Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
Josiah JamesCo. E1st Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Gotthold JanigCo. A26th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles E. JenkinsCo. L2nd Minnesota CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Robert JenkinsCo. H9th Pennsylvania Cavalry (92nd Volunteers)SUVCW Burial Record
Wallace H. JenningsCo. H22nd Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record
Post Commander - 1893Co. K1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery 
Charles Johnson (alias Knud Johnson)Co. G15th Wisconsin Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K3rd Arkansas Cavalry 
Stephen JohnsonCo. E92nd Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Peter A. JoiceCo. D10th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles P. JonesCo. D5th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Allen T. JordanCo. E103rd Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Henry JordanCo. K12th Iowa Infantry 
Charles W. JuneCo. G8th Ohio Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. K169th Ohio Infantry (National Guard) 
James M. JunettCo. B72nd Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B33rd Illinois Infantry 
John KanodeCos. K & A58th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James L. KassonBty. L1st Illinois Light ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
David L. KeanCos. H & G86th Illinois Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. F8th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps 
John KeatsCo. I32nd Iowa Infantry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B8th Iowa Infantry 
David S. KeenerCo. F5th Maryland Infantry 
Shepherd T. KellerCo. I49th Wisconsin InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
James KelleyCo. C72nd Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joseph P. KelleyCo. F104th Illinois InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Michael KelliherCo. B2nd New Hampshire InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Frank E. KellyCo. C3rd Massachusetts Infantry (Militia) &SUVCW Burial Record

3rd Independent Massachusetts Light Artillery 
Merritt P. Kelly
U.S. Navy 

USS Wyoming, 

USS Glaucus & 

USS James L. Davis 
Samuel M. KennedyCo. F135th Pennsylvania Infantry,SUVCW Burial Record

Co. B1st Battalion, Pennsylvania Cavalry (6 months) & 

Co. I211th Pennsylvania Infantry 
William M. KennedyCo. I211th Pennsylvania InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
William H. KentCo. F12th Illinois Infantry (3 months) &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. D2nd Wisconsin Cavalry 
James B. KernahanCo. F4th Iowa CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
William KilleenCo. E82nd New York InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Peter Kingunassigned5th Vermont InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Selah S. KingCo. F19th U.S. InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Samuel D. KingsburyCo. H135th Indiana Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
Cassius E. KinneyCo. F186th Ohio InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Joshua P. KinneyCo. B9th Michigan CavalrySUVCW Burial Record
Bernhardt KleinCo. I2nd U.S. Cavalry &SUVCW Burial Record

Co. I5th U.S. Cavalry 
Fernando C. KlineCo. I & F&S149th Indiana InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
George KnaggsCo. C45th Iowa Infantry (100 days)SUVCW Burial Record
Nathan KnappCo. B11th Iowa InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Alva A. KnightCos. B & D34th U.S. Colored InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Post Coimmander - 1911  
Frederick KuetemeyerBty. I4th U.S. ArtillerySUVCW Burial Record
George M. KuhnCo. A1st Minnesota InfantrySUVCW Burial Record
Charles J. KullmerCo. I5th Ohio Infantry (3 months),SUVCW Burial Record

Co. G84th Ohio Infantry & 

Co. G124th Ohio Infantry 

Abbreviations used above: "Bty." is short for "Battery".  "Co." is short for "Company".  "F&S" is short for "Field and Staff". 

Note: This is not a complete cumulative roster of the Comrades (members) of this Post.  As additional Comrades are identified, they will be added.

If you find someone on this list who would qualify you for membership in one of our Camps or Auxiliaries, we have the documentation of his honorable service to the Union on file.

Membership inquiries can be directed to and we will help you.

Original GAR Charter of Custer Post No. 6

Used by Permission of the Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma, WA (Catalog ID #1963.92.1.3)